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BOSSI Guide for Professional Conduct 2018 (PDF 84.0 KB)

This guide has been prepared to assist surveyors in fulfilling their professional and legal obligations to the public, the Government and their clients. the guide has been modelled on the International of Surveyors (FIG) Code of Ethics.

The Candidate's Companion by Ian H. Marshall February 2007 (PDF 142.4 KB)

It is the implicit duty of a professional land surveyor to be familiar with all the Acts, Regulations and case law affecting both the execution of surveys and responsibilities to clients, employers, members of the public and to society in general.

The History of Alignment Surveys in NSW by Ian H. Marshall FIS February 2006 (PDF 744.6 KB)

This paper is part of an anthology designed specifically to provide a contemporary focus for candidates preparing for the assessment procedures conducted by BOSSI leading to the awarding of a Certificate of Competency and accompanying registration as a land surveyor under the provisions of the Surveying Act 2002.

The Parish Map by Ian H. Marshall January 2006 (PDF 64.3 KB)

This paper is part of an anthology designed specifically to provide a contemporary focus for candidates preparing for the assessment procedures conducted by BOSSI leading to the awarding of a Certificate of Competency and accompanying registration as a land surveyor under the provisions of the Surveying Act 2002.

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