Q. | What is the procedure to enrol as a candidate surveyor? |
A. |
The procedure for enrolling as a candidate surveyor can be found under Pathway to registration.
Q. | What is the procedure to become a registered surveyor? |
A. |
The procedure for becoming a registered surveyor is via:
Q. | What is the annual candidate surveyor enrolment fee? |
A. |
For the current annual candidate surveyor enrolment fee see the Candidate surveyor application form listed under Candidiate Forms. The fee is reduced if paid online through the Shop NSW website.
Q. | What qualifications are required for registration as a land surveyor? |
A. |
A person wishing to be registered, will need to have gained a four year degree in Surveying or equivalent and a Certificate of Competency. For NSW degrees they will need to be from either the University of New South Wales or the University of Newcastle. A person who has gained a qualification outside of New South Wales will need to be assessed as an equivalent to a four year degree. Further information on qualifications gained outside of NSW can be found in overseas assessment and /or interstate accreditation information.
Q. | Are copies of the Acts, Regulations or Register of Surveyors available? |
A. |
The Surveying and Spatial Information Act and Regulations are available at the NSW Legislation site. The Online Register of Surveyors contains details of surveyors that have provided their consent to their details being listed online.
Q. | How can I find out whether a particular person is registered? |
A. |
A person wishing to find out if a surveyor is registered, they may either contact the Board of Surveying and Spatial Information or search the electronic register.
Q. | What powers does the Board have in relation to complaints? |
A. |
The Board is able to investigate complaints. For more information, see Complaints procedure.
Q. | Is the Board able to recommend a particular surveyor? |
A. |
Q. | What is the going rate of fees for surveying plans? |
A. |
The Board of Surveying and Spatial Information is not responsible for setting the rate of fees.
Q. | Does the Board hold historical information in relation to past surveyors? |
A. |
The Board of Surveying and Spatial Information maintains records on surveyors from 1929 to the present. Historical information on past surveyors, prior to 1929 may be obtained through the Institution of Surveyors (NSW Division).
Q. | Can a surveyor be dual registered? |
A. |
Yes, a surveyor may be registered in both NSW and other co-operating reciprocal jurisdiction.
Q. | Who can be directors of a surveying firm? |
A. |
The Board has no specifications as to who can be a director of surveying firm.
Q. | Can a surveyor practice in a name other than their own? |
A. |
Yes, a surveyor may practice in a name other than their own.
Q. | Is there a relationship between the NSW Board and other Surveyor Boards? |
A. |
Yes. The NSW Board has a reciprocating arrangement with all states and territories of Australia and New Zealand. The arrangement allows for surveyors registered in those states and territories to apply for registration in New South Wales via a letter of accreditation. For further information visit the website of the Council of Reciprocating Boards of Australia and New Zealand.
Q. | What details about a surveyor, are able to be provided to the public? |
A. |
The public is able to gain details as to whether the surveyor is registered and business contact details that are published in the Register of Surveyors. No personal information will be provided.
Q. | What does a surveyor do? |
A. |
For a simple explanation of land ownership, ownership boundaries and what a land surveyor does see the ICSM publication Fundamentals of Land Ownership, Land Boundaries and Surveying.
Q. | What is a map? |
A. |
The ICSM Fundamentals of mapping site provides a comprehensive general overview of maps, mapping, cartography and map production.