To protect the public and the integrity of the cadastre BOSSI continues to prosecute unregistered surveyors for performing land or mining surveys.
In August 2018, BOSSI was successful in prosecuting an unregistered surveyor for preparing a level and detail survey that identified (showed) the property boundaries on a plan provided to a client.
The defendants (individual and company) pleaded guilty to the offence and requested that the matter be dealt with immediately. The Magistrate found the defendants guilty of statutory offences set out in the Act. The Magistrate fined each defendant the sum of $440.00 and awarded costs of $4,000.00 in favour of the Board. The defendant (individual) was given the benefit of the provisions of S.10 whereby no conviction was entered and was placed on a good behaviour bond for a period of 12 months.
BOSSI has published the document ‘What is a land survey’ on its website to provide a uniform understanding of the definition of a land survey to the public, surveyors and allied professions.
Registered Surveyors are reminded that they must comply with the BOSSI determinations on General and Immediate Supervision – failure to comply could result in a finding of professional incompetence &/or professional misconduct under the Act.
De-identified copy of the level and detail survey that identified (showed) the property boundaries on a plan provided to a client.